Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day 54

I have been over training or something. Usually when you start exercising regularly, your body starts to feel better, become more energized, and just works better. Although my body feels better and works better, I am still so exhausted! I still nap nearly every day and if I don't, I feel like a zombie. While working out yesterday, I just had the quad exercises left for my lower body and I quit. I did maybe 3 reps before I sat down and just quit. I was dizzy and tired, and felt like I was going to throw up. Granted that morning I fed myself disgusting fat greasy fast food sandwicheS with donutS so that wasn't a great start, but geez. I think I wasn't getting enough water too? It has been really humid here lately, and today it was hot again which can be very draining.

I THINK, however, it's all my diet. I've looked back for a few weeks now and holy crap, I am not eating well at all. I've made little changes here and there, passing on cheese and mayo, or desserts, but I'm still eating lots of desserts and I'm not eating enough vegetables--those yummy things that grow from the ground, not sprout out of packages. Those delicious little veggies are packed full of nutrients that I'm not getting and I need. What's difficult is finding time to prepare them and I find myself eating spinach salads all the time but what the body needs is variety.

It's overwhelming feeling like this--passing a milestone date long in to everything now, and still feeling like my energy is lost and gone forever.

It may be time to get a physical and blood work just to see if there are any discrepancies, and also time to consult a nutritionist.


1 Fibre Plus chocolate and peanut butter bar
1 apple
2 cups of water

Olive Garden braised beef and tortelloni 1/2 serving
3 breadsticks
1/2 ceaser salad
2.5X2.5X2 custard dessert
2 cups of water

Olive Garden (l/o) other halves--tortelloni & salad
2 cups of water

3 pieces thin crust spinach frozen pizza
1 cup of water

Non-intentional extra activity-walked the "big" dog park for one hour

-I've thought a lot about my nutrition today and I ran out of time to make a plan, but I'll begin planning my meals tomorrow and shop for the ingredients on Monday. It's time to be more critical in my decisions; time to move on from "small, better choices" to better meals overall.
-I don't feel burnt out yet, but it is a true possibility that I may be headed there. I passed on pilates today but made sure to do something. The "big" dog park was the compromise.


  1. I don't know if you have these available (and I know it isn't the most ideal form for veggies), but both Birds' Eye and Green Giant make microwavable frozen veggies (both single serve and family packages). The directions are almost identical to microwave popcorn. Again, I know microwaving does rob them of some of their nutrients, but this quick and easy way of making veggies helped increase not only my consumption, but my whole family's consumption. Also, they come out perfect every time! No over or under cooking.

    As for exercising, I think you are overdoing is so important that you don't do too much and get burnt out because of it. You are right to recognize that you should be having more energy, not being completely drained. (((Hugs))) I am so proud of you!

  2. I appreciate your comments (as well as those who I haven't yet replied to through email or otherwise). You know, this whole thing has been a struggle forever and I don't try to claim to be a master at any of this by any means so I'm so grateful for all the support and suggestions! I'm still learning a lot so I'm trying to take everything in an absorb anything I can out of it.
    Becky we do have similar items--there are these frozen steam veggie bags (I think Green Giant) that I'm going to look in to--perhaps they're similar? It's funny that I have such weird ideas on things like I will not touch aspartame, yet I'll eat all these high sugar desserts without thinking twice. So as far as nutrition goes, I can't deny that microwaveable things, if nothing else, will at least get me started on the path to incorporating these vegetables some how. I get weary at how all the nutrients are just nuked out and they're chemically changed, but they're still loads better for me than NOT. lol Sigh.
