Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 209: Lazy Sunday

We're supposed to be putting the house on the market last Monday. Since we can't go back in time, we can only list it in the future. One week later tomorrow's Monday, and we're still not ready. All the painting, de-cluttering, putting up baseboards, along with all the shopping for materials, learning the how-to's, and getting tutorials has pushed us back 10 times longer than we ever anticipated all this taking. Loads of people keep asking why the heck we are painting and putting so much work into the house. I can only suggest they went back in time to see what this house looked like before. I wish I had old photos or taken pictures before we started this work to get the satisfying "before" and "after" shots, but in the rush of just getting it done, that step was missed. Anyway, I have a feeling this is the week for victory.

So we had a good half of the day left after our church meetings let out at 1pm. We even came home a little early to rest because we had such a big day yesterday and our eyes would not stay attentive. Resting, we kept putting off the big games, napping, taking B to the park. Eventually Sunday night cartoons were on, and well, it was a very productive day in the relaxing department. We accomplished lots of rest time, which in itself was much needed. It just means tomorrow we're playing make-up with all the work that still awaits us. I love these lazy Sundays to refocus our energies into the next week and I won't regret that as much as my nervous panic to get things done wants me to do.


chicken, spinach, cheese, mushroom on ciabatta bun sandwich (l/o)
sweet potato fries
2 cups of water

2 grilled cheese on sourdough bread
1 cup Tuscan tomato soup
2 cups of water

1 can citrus green tea
1 rice pudding cup
1 chocolate pudding cup

1 cup apple cinnamon tea

40 minutes quiet stroll around the dog park

It's funny...I started feeling better and decided to be responsible and blog my way around again, and I'm reading my meals for the past couple of days and they're bad. We've been eating out a few more times than normal because it's difficult to prepare food in a kitchen that you can't walk in. Excuses aside, this week I'll make greater strides to eat three meals a day, and get my vegetables in. I will however still give myself a huge pat on the back because these restaurant meals that I've eaten have lasted two days instead of the one sitting. At least I'm eating half of what I ate before and that counts for something, doesn't it? I feel like a broken record...