Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 21--Week 3

334.8 lbs...down 3 pounds for 9.4 total pounds lost.

As promised, here are my before shots. Although I've already lost 9.4 pounds and a grand total of 14.2 pounds since my heaviest weight ever, you can't really tell the weight loss yet so I think they'll be representative of the whole process. I've blurred my face until I'm at my goal, hopefully as a means to decrease the chance that they're found and they're used as the latest ugly fat girl spam.

4 slices of pizza
a few shakes of Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp garlic dipping sauce
2 cups of water

1/4 9 inch cookie
1 graham cracker
2 cups of water

3 cups of water

6 inch sweet onion Teriyaki chicken Subway sandwich (no cheese) on honey oat
6 inch Buffalo chicken Subway sandwich (no cheese) on honey oat
2 cups lettuce, tomato, pickles, olives
2 lines of BBQ sauce
2 lines of sweet onion Teriyaki sauce
2 cups of water

1 All Bran dark chocolate fibre bar
1 cup of water

54 minutes interval hill treadmill (including one-60 second jog! lol---at least I tried)
30 minutes of upper body free weights
20 minutes of stretching

-Alright, once again I ate the left over pizza. This time we got smart and ordered mediums, so there is none left this time (rather than days after like last time). I also gobbled down that last bit of cookie. I really should have thrown it out. I didn't even enjoy it so much as just quickly tasted it. I'm not intentionally trying to sabotage myself. I just wasn't thinking. I did eat two 6 inch subs, but that's like eating one 12 inch sub. I started getting full about 3/4 of the way into it, but kept eating because it tasted so good. I was famished from the gym, and was hungry. I guess that's all just a big fat excuse. :P
-I'm feeling really great about exercising! After having 3 days off, it was difficult to go back. I can usually handle a day in between, but after 3 days, my body doesn't want to move. I was seriously considering phoning my friend to cancel our gym time, but knew I'd have that accountability there, as well as here on my blog. Thank goodness I didn't cancel!!! I always feel so great afterward too. I suppose the best advise I can give in that is go to the gym anyway, and promise yourself to workout something manageable--say 10 minutes. After spending the time to go and being there, there's no way you'll only spend 10 minutes. If it's too much, you'll at least get in 20-30 minutes easily. 20-30 minutes is better than NO minutes! So I have to give myself a pat on the back for going. It's these little accomplishments that will push me to continue. I think it was Franklin Covey who talked about it taking 21 days to form a habit. Well, the key is taking that whole 21 days consistently. I'm going to try to not take so many vacation days from the gym and maybe that habit will become second nature.

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