Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 224: (Week 32) Sick Foods Feeds Sick

319.0 pounds; -0 pounds this week; 30 pounds lost total

The good?
After a week of torture, not gaining any weight is a small victory.

The bad?
I feel like hell.

There is a definite difference in how your body feels when you stuff it full of calories and fattening, non-nutritious foods versus whole, fresh, delicious, healthy foods. My body is lethargic, my muscles are achy, sick-achy; my head is stuffy and unclear, my eyes are watery and heavy. I'm not describing cold or flu symptoms, but my normal body symptoms from a week of abuse. If anyone has seen SuperSize Me, I'm sure you can relate to the sick, overstuffed and pukey feeling Morgan was experimenting with--and I imagine I'm now feeling a bit of how Morgan felt after a month of Micky D's abuse. Granted, Andrew and I weren't stuffing ourselves, but having processed foods for a week straight really messes with the nice balance I was feeling.

I skipped the gym this morning after telling a friend I would see her there. Why? I just didn't want to go. I got ready, took Andrew to the train, and came home for breakfast before I was to head out. Instead, I sat on the couch with my salad, and watched TV. At least I was eating a salad. At least.

I just don't have the energy to face going to the gym. I have that I'll do it tomorrow attitude. I hate that I'm feeling this way.

This is what you get when you neglect yourself. It's not pretty. I just want to sleep, but I have doors to finish painting. I don't want to. I don't want to do anything. Bad food feeds this body of crap and keeps you in crap. No wonder it's so difficult to break free from. At least I'm aware of what's going on and recognize that it's not good. I can't believe I used to eat this way and thought it was normal to be lazy and bloated, and figured it was just me. Even at my current weight when I eat good food and exercise regularly, I feel so good. I want my good back. Maybe more sleep tonight on top of my salad this morning will help push me. I have my training tomorrow too, so going back to the gym after a brief vacation always puts me back on top. I'm looking forward to saying goodbye to sick Erica, washing away last week.

Note to self: don't do this again.


1 cup spinach
1/2 cup cucumber with skin
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
1/2 cup whole grain croutons
1/2 cup chicken breast
2 TBSP blue cheese dressing
2 cups of water

forgot to diary the rest

5 hours painting doors

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