Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 130

I think I'm on the up and up. Andrew got sick about a day or so ahead of me, and so it was too late to "stay away" from him. After all, we're a married couple that still kiss so whatever he has, I get it too.

I'm still a little congested and a tad weak but I'm feeling much more hopeful that life can go on. I'm even going to make a dinner that involves a cutting board tonight, so that's proof right there that I can be a productive member of society, once again.

I already know I've lost weight this week, but only because I've been sick. Of course it's because I've only been eating dinner because I need to, but haven't had an appetite for anything else really during the day. Starving my way to weight loss is something that I refuse to do, so if you see a dramatic drop next weigh in, it's not because I've been awesome. My body is in pain and I can't wait to get back to the gym. Once the dizziness subsides, you know I'll be tying up my runners.

It's such a waste of a good week. This will probably be one of the last snow free weeks we'll see this year, and I was stuck inside. Hopefully I'll throw myself out this weekend and find civilization beyond these walls. Right now, however, so tired...

1 1/2 cup saffron rice
1 cup chicken tikka masala
1 piece nan bread
2 cups of water

1 cup Neapolitan ice cream


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