Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 11

Our friends are here (!) so this must be quick...

1 banana
3 cups of water

1 soft taco (l/o) with lettuce, tomato, ground beef, yogurt
1 hard taco (l/o)
2 cups of water

1 hamburger patty---that's a hamburger as opposed to a cheeseburger
1 bun
1/4 cup potato salad
1.5 cups spinach salad with strawberries, Valdosta pecans, Red Raspberry with Dijon dressing, and avocado
2 cups of water

2 cups of water

Worked my butt off cleaning the house running up and down the stairs all day. NO intentional exercise, however...I literally had NO time. By this evening, I was red in the face and sweaty, but that doesn't really count.

-Food was pretty good. Need more veggies!!!!!!!!
-Disappointed that I didn't do any real exercise. My excuse is valid, but it's still an excuse. I know I'm being hard on myself but if I feel like it's okay then I'll keep telling myself it's okay forever, and these habits will never break. (So all or nothing thought process there.) I'm trying balance. I'm trying to think balanced thoughts. I feel badly for already missing a day this week. I don't want this to be the rule and exercise be the exception.

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