Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 232-Day 236: Almost Sold

As it stands we're still waiting on the conditions to come off our house to insure it's really "sold." The waiting is horrible. All I want to do is start phoning all the utilities we need changed over, and forwarding the mail. I don't dare until we're sold. What a mess it would be to have no heat because I couldn't wait.

I went through the preliminary walk through of our new house on Thursday. The previous night, knowing Andrew couldn't be there during work hours on Thursday with me, we went through and tagged 48 things that needed to be addressed, from dents or scratches that needed to be gone over to the cigarette burn in our windowsill. sigh

We are NON-SMOKERS yet our brand new, "never-been-lived-in-house" has a nice little cigarette burn mark on the spare bedroom windowsill. We were both livid. Here we thought we were buying brand new, and hundreds of thousands of dollars later we're going to be moving in to a home that on this day, appeared "used." Not impressed. Luckily it didn't smell, but after that burn everything we saw lost it's new feeling.

On the walk though the burn was addressed. As with many things, the inspector was pointing things out to me that Andrew and I had spoke of the night before. This was interesting! We thought our house was going to be what we saw then, but Shane assured us this was the "rough draft" and the reason why we have the preliminary walk through weeks before possession date--so they have an opportunity to go throughout the house and pick out the details that need to come up to the standard they pride themselves on. These trade workers are just workers, contracted to work for Shane. So Shane, from my understanding, goes through with a fine tooth comb, and picks out everything that needs to be changed. Apparently on February 26th, 3 weeks from now, we'll be going in to our new home on final inspection and possession day, and seeing the house as we'll move in, appearing brand new, and never been used before.

I would be skeptical of their optimism for priding themselves on this standard we weren't introduced to on the prelim inspection if it weren't for inspector who also pointed out things that Andrew and I missed (how could that be?!). I now have faith that things will be taken care of--every detail. The project manager walked through with us too, and addressed the cigarette burn issue. He said that person who was smoking and left his evidence has been "severely dealt with." Although I don't want to see anyone lose his job over a mistake (we're all human), I hope he understands that rules were meant for a reason and he must follow them. He jeopardized our impression, time, labour, and money. "Ooops" is a bit of an understatement.

'Looking forward to the final draft in 3 weeks. Praying the home inspection on this house passes to make that happen.

This week, although not really busy with labour intensive work on the house, was busy none-the-less. I did, however, work out EVERYDAY which I'm very proud of. Hopefully I did enough to reflect great numbers next Monday. I have a little goal with my trainer that I'll lose another 19 pounds before I see my family again so I can go tell them I've lost 50 pounds (a sort of milestone number). I'm working a bit more having exercised everyday this week, but I can always step up my game. I have 7 weeks. Ms. says nutrition will be key to attaining this goal. This is my challenge and I'm so excited to beat it!


Monday--60 minute step and pump class
Tuesday--25 minutes walk/jog on treadmill: 2 min @3.4 to 1.5 min @4.2; 60 minutes personal training
Wednesday--40 minutes walk/jog at the dog park IN THE SNOW: approx 3 min walk to 1 min jog
Thursday--60 minute personal training
Friday--25 min walk/jog on treadmill: 2.5 min @3.4 to 1 min @4.2; 60 minutes hatha yoga