331.2 lbs...down 2.4 pounds for a total of 17.8 pounds lost.
Wooooo hoooooo! I'm so excited I'm down so much this week! In the big picture it's not a lot, but after having a week of 0, then -1, then -.2, this is huge!!!!
What I did differently this week than the previous slower weeks, I think, was I worked out 6 days (well one day I'm counting as 2 because I went twice) and my cardio didn't dip under 40 minutes. It seems like 55 minutes or there about is the magic cardio time weight loss number. I'm going to make sure to keep my cardio time above 50 minutes every day this week to see what happens! Ah, I'm so excited! I really felt like it was going to be another .something number. It just stinks because day to day in the mirror, I can't really tell any change going on, but here's a noticeably moment:
When we went the movies on Friday, usually I take a minute to get all my clothes pulled on my body properly and adjust my shirt so it stays down and doesn't roll up when I get into the theatre seat. Then I have to sort of slide in one hip at a time and wiggle my way in, where my thighs are pressed up and folding over the sides of the seat (nice mental image, I know). My hips and thighs are pressed so tightly, they hurt, but after a few minutes the pain is deadened until I want to change positions and then it's pain all over again. Well I did my movie theatre seat ritual and adjusted all my clothing and I braced myself for the squeeze, and I started sitting down--like a tight glove I slowly slid into the seat--no pushing, squeezing, or tucking. How wonderful is that?!! Yes, it was still extremely snug but for the first time in a couple of years, it wasn't painful to sit in the movie theatre seat! I was still exploding over the edge and my belly looked 28 months pregnant sitting there, but it was comfortable. That's just another confirmation that I'm doing good things, I'm doing the right things what's working, and I am getting results. I'm still completely living my life food wise as I wish, just making better choices, eating a bit less, and I've added the exercise.
I've found through my lifelong struggle with obesity, while losing it you can't just eat right, and you can't just exercise. It must be both. 'And when you eat right, you're learning how to eat all the foods you love in a healthier way, and you're not deprived. You aren't going to gain all this crazy weight back once you're "done" with the diet because this is the lifestyle you've learned. I think the ONLY drawback to the way I'm doing it versus the way the millions of dieters dieting out there are doing it, is it's going to take me a longer time to get there. We're so programed for instant gratification that taking the slow way, and not seeing results quickly enough discourages us. I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone, accepting me, my body, and my life, and allowing myself to be a healthy person, not focusing too much on getting to a certain weight by a certain date (although if I have a bad week, of course I get down about that). 'But it's a gradual change and I'm so amazed that each week there is a negative number. I always expect to have gained weight because that's what I've always done. Why not this time? I'm consistent, I'm not stressed about a deadline, I told everyone so I forced myself to choose accountability, and I'm not giving up. It's more important for me to be healthy and have to work a little harder than to be miserable complaining about what I did to myself, hoping for an easy way out. Seriously by this point, it's gotten so easy to just say
I must go to the gym that I don't even stress out about it anymore. It's just what I do. There's no thinking. Sure there's I don't want to sometimes, but it's not anything like before. It's like traffic. You know you have to battle it, so you just keep going. You don't ever not leave your house to avoid traffic. You just turn up the radio, hold in your pee, and make the best of it. Does that make sense? lol
Meals2 enchiladas (l/o)1 cup of rice1 apple cinnamon bun2 cups of water4 slices of pizza2 apple cinnamon buns3 cups of water*edit--forgot to add the regular sized cookie dough blizzard (with no syrup, but extra stuff). I was food celebrating over losing more than a pound and this was my treat. How backwards is that? When I was in WW, they told us to buy ourselves a book or take a bath with new candles and scents. Hmmm, that would have been healthier...maybe next time I can do it better. :)
ExerciseNoneNotes:-What a bad day, health wise. We woke up late because we slept in late because we were suddenly woken in the middle of the night to a huge thunder/lightening/hail storm that kept us up for about an hour from the loud nose of hail and rain thumping our rooftop and windows. It was a bad sleep. Then we fully intended on finishing the kitchen, and that didn't happen because only Andrew worked on it (it turned out to really only be a one person job and I'd be in the way) and it was a bit more detailed than previously thought.-Fully intending on working all day, I didn't make plans to go exercise with anyone. I thought I'd be sweaty and tired all day. The gym was closed for Heritage Day, so after I found out I wouldn't be working out, I still didn't do anything. The day was just a write off and sometimes that's okay.